2024 Weston 邻居联谊会在Burchard Park成功举办

2024年9月14日下午1点到4点,一年一度的由WeStar组织的Weston邻居联谊活动在Weston的Burchard Park举办。WeStar义工们准备了鲜肉月饼,烤羊肉串,和天津煎饼果子等美食。参加的邻居们也带来了各自制作的美食。Board member王雁女士更是一直在煎饼果子摊为大家服务。

活动特别邀请了PTO代表,Weston School Committee的谢眺先生介绍了学区,并解答了关于学区的问题。

WeStar的board member聂友华女士组织了从小学到高中的不同年级的同学们分享了大家在Weston学习的经历。

Board member陈潇霖组织的拔河比赛更是给青少年孩子们带来了许多的乐趣。


Special thanks to the 2024 Lunar New Year celebration event volunteers 特别感谢龙年春晚的志愿者们

Thank you to all volunteers who have signed up for the event. Here is a full list of our heroes (As of 1/26/2024) 感谢所有的义工们

Chengyu Cao, Lucas Cao, Peiqi Cao, Vincy Cao, Xiaolin Chen, Lei Ci, Candice Dai, Andy Ding, Siyang Ding, Xinyu Duan, Natalie Feng, Natalie Feng, Han Gao, Daqi Guo, Taiyu Guo, Xiaoguang Guo, Yinuo Guo, Yun Guo, Xuefei Hao, HaiChen Hu, Haichen Hu, Yinan Hua, Ganzhen Huang, Yong Huang, Maria Jiang, Yijun Jiang, LIN LIU, Jeffrey Lan, Jia Li, Jingyu Li, Rose Li, Sophie Li, Evan Ma, Austin Meng, Lillian Meng, Dora Mou, Dora Mou, Yan Mou, Sophia Peng, Yuxin Rao, Liewei Sha, Eric Shi, Evan Shi, Leo Shi, Susan Shu, Lihong Su, Cece Sun, Elisa Sure, Julianne Tan, Aimee Wang, Alex Wang, Danxia Wang, Jianguo Wang, Kevin Wang, Leah(yuxi) Wang, Vivian Wang, Yaqin Wang, Chen Wei, Helen Wei, Sam Wei, Sophia Wei, Jonathan Wu, Jing Xu, Min Xu, Mingyan Xu, Yuhui Yang, Elaine Yin, Xiaoyan Yin, Stella Yu, Li Zeng, Becky Zhan, Yingjie Zhao, Yaping Zheng, Ziming Zheng, Yiming Zhou, Tao Zhuang, Yutung Zhuang, Peter Xu.

We still need more volunteers. If you have not signed up yet, please consider joining us by signing up first at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C4CA8AF2CAAF94-47157891-2024#/ 还有更多的义工机会等着您,请点击上面的链接注册义工。

After signing up, please remember to claim your free ticket and food coupon by filling in this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfps0FKlJKCBb7N8E4xXDzy5FCU269u7vZPHsJsq_vafnii4w/viewform 注册义工后,请点击上面的链接注册免费的义工门票。

Weston 2024 Year of Dragon Cultural Fair and Performance

As the New Year’s Day of 2024 just chimed, we are about to usher in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon.

The year 2024 Chinese New Year Celebration will take place at Weston High School on January 27, 2024. The format of the celebration is slightly different from previous years, with the dinner transformed into a cultural fair. After the cultural fair, there will be an artistic performance in the high school auditorium.

  • Date: Saturday, January 27, 2024
  • 1 – 3 pm Cultural Fair
  • 3:30 – 5:30 pm Performance
  • Location: Weston High School, 444 Wellesley St, Weston, MA 02493

Performance Sign-up
Volunteer Registration

2019 Chinese New Year Photos
2020 Chinese New Year Photos
2021 Online Chinese New Year Video

2023 Chinese New Year Photos

At the cultural fair, you will taste traditional Chinese cuisine and participate in fun activities that reflect Chinese traditions.


  • Candied Hawthorn
  • Jianbing (Chinese Crepes)
  • Cotton Candy
  • Sweet Rice Balls in Fermented Rice Wine
  • Various Fried Skewers
  • Egg Tarts
  • Fried Spring Rolls (Shrimp, Vegetarian), Dumplings (Beef, Vegetarian)
  • Steamed Buns
  • Fried Red Bean Rice Cake
  • Tiramisu and Fruit Tart from Konditor Meister

Games and Activities

  • Brush Calligraphy
  • Chinese Yoyo
  • Handcraft (Dragon Puppet)
  • Paper Cutting 
  • Making Chinese Name/Chinese Character Bookmarks
  • Tea Tasting
  • Shuttlecock Kicking
  • Face Painting
  • Pitch-pot (Touhu)
  • Distribution of Chinese New Year Gifts, Red Envelopes, Dragon Year Stickers, etc.


At the auditorium, you will see featuring performances by residents and children from Weston, as well as invited guests. The program includes songs, dances, musical instrument performances, martial arts, and a qipao-dress fashion show, among others.

Everyone from the Weston community are welcome. Please register here to reserve seat, experience Chinese culture and taste authentic Chinese food:

Pictures from past Chinese New Year celebrations:





祝贺第四届WeStar Board成立


2023年11/17日,第四届WeStar理事会通过无差额选举成立。根据bylaws, 新一届理事会任期2年(2024-2025),理事会成员是:

  • President:Hung Ha Wu (胡红霞)
  • Treasurer: Xiaolin Chen (陈潇霖)
  • Secretary: Guo Tian (田果)
  • Vice president: Yan Wang (王雁), Yong Huang(黄勇)
  • Other Directors: Abel Dschung(钟林豪), Nancy Nie (聂友华)



  • 胡红霞
    • 2018年从Belmont搬来。现任新月国际传媒共同主席,波士顿中国音乐家协会副会长。热心社区服务,参与并组织了“波士顿国际亚洲音乐节”、《阿诗玛组曲音乐会》等Boston附近社区的大型文艺演出。是第二届,第三届WeStar理事会成员。也曾是2019,2023 WeStar春晚总导演。
  • 陈潇霖
    • 2019年搬来,2个孩子都在Weston Public School上小学。喜爱文艺,也特别喜爱组织小朋友的文艺活动。是第三届WeStar理事会的Treasurer,多次负责春晚和音乐节儿童节目,邻居见面会的儿童游戏活动。
  • 田果
    • 2019年搬来,2个孩子都在Weston Public School上学。热心公益活动,每周末在牛顿中文学校教中文. 2023年秋季参与了《甜橙》话剧,希望通过参与宣传在美华人的奋斗史和贡献篇激励下一代!积极参与社区活动,也是WeStar2023春晚主持人之一。
  • 钟林豪(Abel)
    • 2023年夏天从德州搬来,3个孩子均就读于Weston Public School(10、9、5年级)。丰富的亚洲、中东和西欧国际业务经验。热心公益活动,11月刚刚创立了Weston English Club帮助有需要的邻居。加入WeStar服务社区,想给孩子们树立榜样:热爱生活、服务社会。
  • 聂友华(Nancy)
    • 2022年8月从上海搬来。积极参加社区工作,希望为孩子们做个榜样。小儿子在WMS上8年级,大儿子在CSW上11年级。希望帮助WeStar组织更多青少年义工机会,一起服务社区。
  • 王雁
    • 为我们社区服务是我的使命。2007年儿子上幼儿园时搬来Weston,常年在教会服务,有丰富的社区服务经验。第二届,第三届WeStar理事会成员。热爱美食,曾负责亚美节的餐饮组活动,全程参与了往届Weston春晚餐饮组的工作。在2020年疫情期间,积极参与社区团菜活动,通过美食加强邻里之间的互帮互助,让参与者不仅品尝到美味,也感受到邻里之间的温暖和关爱。2021年,参与了WeStar线上春晚的制作。之后两年还组织和参与了Weston高中毕业生和家长的经验分享会、亚洲音乐节、新老邻居聚会,以及今年的州公园烧烤会。真诚地希望在2024年能继续为大家服务。
  • 黄勇
    • 2019年从Sudbury搬来,热心参与社区活动,曾在Sudbury华协理事会工作。第二届,第三届WeStar理事会成员。在程序员工作之余,喜爱摄影,家居维修。老大2023从WHS毕业,老二8年级在WMS。希望更多有能力有热情的新鲜血液加入WeStar理事会。









  1. 您需要是Weston社区的居民。
  2. 您需要同意WeStar组织的章程(bylaws)并愿意积极参与组织活动。bylaws在https://westonwestar.org/about-westar/底部链接。
  3. 您需要有一颗热爱公益事业的心,致力于提高社区的福祉。
  4. 您需要具备团队合作精神,愿意与其他理事会成员合作,共同计划和推动我们的活动。
  5. 您需要按时出席理事会的内部会议(20+小时)


  1. 与一群热心公益事业的志愿者一起工作,共同推动社区的改善。
  2. 学习领导力技能,积累有价值的管理经验。
  3. 扩展您的社交圈,结识新朋友。
  4. 展示您的特长,为Weston社区的发展贡献您的力量。


如果您对成为WeStar理事会的一员感兴趣,欢迎提交您的申请。请将您的简历和一封陈述信发送至 westarweston@gmail.com,陈述信中包括您对WeStar的热情、您的公益经验、您认为应该优先推动的社区项目或改进等方面的想法。







The 3rd Boston International Asian Music Festival brings together musicians from India, South Korea, Japan, China, and the United States. There will be singing, dancing, and a children’s chorus from Weston local children. Prepare your picnic chairs, bring your family to town green to enjoy another fantastic music festival and some unique food. The event is free for everyone.

Date: June 25, 2023

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Location: Town Green

Address: 11 Town House Road, Weston, MA 02493


2023 Weston High School Experience Fair

The annual Weston High School Experience Sharing Meeting invites students and their parents to share their experiences.

Please note the time of the event – Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 7:30pm

Location – Zoom- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9559593000 (passcode: SevenSevenSixEightEightFive)

Please submit your questions here in advance so that students and parents can prepare.

February 4th, 2023 – Weston Lunar New Year Gala

It has been 3 years since our last gathering in 2020. We finally bring back our Lunar New Year celebration on Saturday, February 4 from 4-9 pm at Weston High School.  It is time to celebrate the year of “Rabbit” with our friends and neighbors with games, a magic show, delicious food, and a performance show.

This event is open to the public. Advanced registration and payment are highly recommended. Onsite registration and payment are not guaranteed. Please join us!

Here are our program details:

  • 4: 00-6:45 PM
    4:00-5:15 pm – Registration, Kids Games, Magic Show 
    5: 15 – 6: 45 pm – Dinner 
    Location: High school Cafeteria
    Cost: $25 for ages 10-64, $10 for ages 4-9, and 64+. Free for 3 and under.
    RSVP: Please follow the instructions at https://formfaca.de/sm/DO5A9EF4g. Tickets are very limited. If you have any questions about registration, please email us at westarweston@gmail.com.
  • 7: 00 – 9: 00 pm – Cultural Performance
    Cost: Free
    Location: High school auditorium

Photos and videos from our past lunar new year events:

Photos of 2019 Lunar new year party 2019年春晚照片
Photos of 2020 lunar new year party 2020年春晚照片
Video of 2021 online show 2021年线上春晚视频